“The Company Men” – great film to be removed soon from Netflix, and a Happy one!

slide-001Recently I read that Netflix will be removing (in a day and a half) 65 movies from its list of streamable films, so I went to see what they were and was surprised to find this excellent film set for removal – perhaps as part of our cultural mind control?  (Mustn’t let Americans see too easily how decisions are made in America?)

The Company Men” is about three upper-level managers (played by Tommy Lee Jones, Chris Cooper, and Ben Affleck) of a company investing in and managing ship yards.  When investment choices require moving parts of the industry overseas, all three men have their lives ruined.

Production quality and acting is excellent, though I did wonder about Affleck throwing anger fits he couldn’t control – hard to believe for one who’s made it up the ladder and should have at least learned some diplomatic strategy – but no.  Aside from that plot problem, the movie is excellent and beautifully portrays how callous decision-making now ruins lives all over the world, even for some of the very wealthy.

The movie is available for streaming only through December 31, tomorrow!  Hope you take the time to enjoy it.

ed3One other movie recently discovered is “Happy” (which is available to play at this link).  Winner of many awards, it investigates what makes people happy – all over the world – and is stunning in the beauty and simplicity which make some people quite content and happy with their lives – with some huge surprises.

One of those surprises relates to the issues we’re all interested in here: abuse and lost memories recovered.  That’s all I’ll say.  It’s good for the heart.  Please watch it.

Love to you all in the New Year,


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