Tag Archives: implant in tooth

Implant in my Tooth?

unhappy tissue 2019-05-11 at 11.37.11 AM.pngI’ve had this thing since the late 1990s (received in Colorado Springs, incidentally).  Occasionally, a dental hygienist will pick at it with a note of confusion in her voice, then quickly shut up and dismiss whatever she’d said.  I always wondered why it caused confusion, but I never looked at it until yesterday – with my nifty (usb connected) otoscope!

First thing I noticed was that it seems to stand out, a bit away from the tooth, with gaps all around – the sort of thing I’d think would make a dentist want to replace it.  But none has ever suggested it.

white flare 2019-05-11 at 11.32.56 AM.pngNext thing I notice is that the tissue at the base it looks very unhappy – as you can see in every photo.



3 dots white flare 2019-05-11 at 11.34.44 AM.png


In one photo, I caught an angle low enough to see what appear to be three tiny dots of stain above a generally-stained area.



three dots n sm bubbles w arrows 2019-05-11 at 6.02.55 AM crop.png

When I expand the photo a bit, it then appears to be a stain edge around three white dots.

And then I notice that the saliva bubbles at the base of the tooth immediately in front of the three dots, are tiny as if they might be fractured by microwave transmissions from the area of those dots above.

Then notice the gum line farther right – it’s purple!  That indicates a lack of blood flow.  Why?  Microwaves?  I dunno.

Back to the stain, I wonder whether there might be three small transmitters at the three dots, sending out microwave energy which weakens the porcelain enough to allow stains to enter, but somehow immediately at the site of the transmitter, it blasts the porcelain clean – okay theory?  Tell me yours.  You can expand the photo to see the tiny bubbles – a least a dozen.

white flare unhappy tissue 2 2019-05-11 at 6.03.12 AM w arrow.pngFurther, to the right of the presumed implant, in every single photo and video, there is a white flare on the side of my tooth, in the middle of an area that is generally stained.  It’s as if a misdirected stream of microwave energy is blowing out the side and killing all the bacteria trying to make plaque on my tooth.  Any other reason for a spot of perfect white in the middle of a stain, right next to an anomaly that’s also making the tissue very unhappy in one place and purple in another?