“Blackfish” and Mind Control Subjects

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Just watched “Blackfish” last night – an excellent documentary – and was overwhelmed by the cruelty hidden behind ignorance, denial, naivety, and PR.  While my friend was astounded, I was not at all.

Capturing highly intelligent beings for entertainment (and maybe “science”) is exactly what certain, ignorant people and corporations (maybe aliens too) have been doing to people for a long, long time.

The capturing, caging, training, and showing off of captives providing entertainment, we know, has been going on at least since Rome.  And we’re still doing it.

I can only hope that when people have the courage to watch films like this and really acknowledge what’s been done in the name of entertainment and “science,” that they’ll finally be able to tolerate looking at the reality of similar things – like MKULTRA – being done to people.  Children and adults.  And it still goes on.

The orcas finally have a compelling documentary to tell their story.  One day, I pray, mind controlled humans will too.