Friday Random Beauty: Dar’s Orb

I’ve come to believe ancient tales of faeries and contemporary tales of orbs and such.

I have no personal experience of faeries myself, but I have a number of friends who either secretly or publicly admit to relationships with them.

And of course, I love (and wrote about here) best-selling author Peter Thompkin’s Secret Life of Nature:  Living in Harmony with the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks, which encouraged me to quit being such a dang “productive” person all the time and learn to just sit and listen in my garden, which I do more now, but not quite enough.  Still, last fall, I had an experience with a spirit in a tree (sprite?) which I’ve written about but haven’t yet chosen to publish.  Perhaps soon.

I did have one experience with an orb once, about the size of a basketball, which suddenly appeared while I was driving near my home in the country.  It was bouncing around chaotically about twenty feet ahead of me, to the right of the road, between four feet and fifteen feet from the ground.  While I watched gape-mouthed and clutched the steering wheel, it bounced around for 5-10 seconds – then disappeared.

So when Dar told me this story, of course I believed her, and she shared this photo with me.

She was walking in nature and came upon an old concrete wall and well that had been long-abandoned.  She had her camera ready to take a photo of the well, when suddenly this orb zipped into the frame, and she captured it!

May we all be open to Magic and Goodness, no matter whether – or maybe especially because – we’re also dogged by unpleasant things.