“A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeline L’Engel

Who remembers this book?  

I read it to my children decades ago but only recalled that it was about a family of scientists and precocious kids and something about time travel.  And I remembered liking it very much.

Well, my partner and I just finished listening to it, and I was blown away!

This book is also about top-secret government projects (risking people’s lives, by the way), aliens, being taking into other dimensions without warning, being immobilized and unable to communicate, being lied to, being helped by beings who were at first frightening, and more that had so many parallels to experiences being discussed by myself and my readers and fellow-bloggers – that it seems worthy of new discussion.

The book asks some of the same philosophical questions that we’ve asked over the years.  So, I hope folks will check out the book or audio book, enjoy it, and let me know how you think this relates to “our stuff.”

And now, I’ve looked for art to add to this post and am intrigued by the various covers that have been used on her book over the years – and new art, for instance used for the television program.  Check it out:

This one, above, evokes the shamanic themes that affirm our extra-dimensional potential.



This depicts the children “going” together, a lot more confident than the story actually described.



This combines the alien face with angel motif.

And this conveys the sense of isolation and powerlessness.