Personal History

The fullest account of my experiences of mind control are covered extensively in my book.RF 2nd Ed cover  Besides memories of torture, sexual abuse, and childhood nightmares of being on a military base, drugged and trying to escape, and two years of amnesia at the same age as other documented MK subjects, I have these associations, similar to other subjects of mind control research:

I was born in Woodland, California, in the hospital nearest to UC Davis, which has been associated strongly with mind control research.  This was where the Human Ecology Society began, considered by many a CIA front for mind control research.  My parents and I lived for three semesters in married student housing.  My father enrolled there after discharge from the Navy, which was also involved with the CIA in mind control.

Eisenhower crest, also Eissenhauer, and many other spellings

Dwight David Eisenhower was my grandfather’s second cousin.  Eisenhower means iron hewer, which was a secret society, dedicated to the art of metal smithing, which required keeping the skills a secret, for none but the king.

My first pediatrician was Addison Udall, cousin to Stewart Udall, Secretary of the Interior, whose home was on a cul-de-sac that backed up near the custom home our family acquired immediately after my two years of amnesia.

I remember both Udalls attending our Christmas party at our house when I was 8.  My friend and fellow controllee Ann Diamond, whose parents also suddenly moved into a brand new home about the time of her mind control subjection, suspects these homes were rewards given our parents for their cooperation.

At age 18, I was invited into the secret society network as a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma (considered then the “most powerful women’s fraternity [sic] in the world”), and I reluctantly accepted the invitation, though I later “de-activated.”  I’d thought it extremely odd that they’d invited me, since I’d declined their invitations repeatedly, even telling one woman I considered them “plastic” – before succumbing for a while to their manipulations and deciding to give them a try.

I assume they used some form of mind control at our initiation ceremony, because after I deactivated, I could never remember the ceremony, except for one split-second “peek.”  I remember descending the staircase toward the basement room, saying secret words, and then not a thing more except for that peek – the most important event toward which the entire year had been aimed – and I seemed to have been mind controlled to forget it.

This is just the beginning.  I’ve had a number of conscious experiences, four-six years ago, of feeling myself either under someone else’s control – while my body was horrified and unable to resist – or coming out of a trance in which I’d done what someone else had asked me to do that I did not want to do.


This three-minute video, which went viral (but YouTube has turned the numbers backward a few times by thousands), gives a good, quick summary of my experience:

More info

For more on how it feels – to me – to be a multiple personality, check out this page:  Multiple-ness:  What it Feels Like.

For a quick definition and overview of Mind Control  – check out my page “Mind Control Defined.”

For links to all my Healing posts, check out “Hope for Healing.”

And please remember to “Join/Listen!” (Button’s up top in the right corner.)