Overview of Morgellon’s Challenge

First used digital microscope in May 2019 to investigate deep sores on scalp followed by deep scabs. Discovered this wound first:

scalp ulcer 2019-10-08 at 3.35.36 PM copy.png

Later found more scalp ulcers, this one photographed in October, 2019:

Also found ulcers on my face:

And this on the bridge of my nose:

Also, an ulcer in my vagina, with strange fibers in the open wound:

And fibers everywhere on my body:

Even emerging from the soles of my feet:

And this cluster of fibers seems to be contained in lymph and blood, picked off the tip of one of my toes:

And some of the fibers seem similar to hairs, but with strange features like blunt “heads,” jointed structure, and sometimes apparent independent movements:

Along the way I also found things that seem like photos of cancer I’ve seen online – little red raspberry-appearing things:

And I’ve found evidence of what I believe is a spirochete infection, on both my genitals and face:

Since the Morgellon’s controversy contains the story of a secret biowarfare lab working with spirochetes that got out of control, and because another historic controversy involved another spirochete, syphilis, tested on Black men in the forties, it is concerning to find spirochetes on my body and doctors refusing to look or test.

And because of the history of our nation’s biowarfare experiments on unwitting subjects, and my previous evidence that I’ve been used for other experiments, it’s especially concerning to find artificial elements like this yellow, six-sided bead that seems to be planted tightly on my scalp:

One evening when I hadn’t scrubbed my face in 18 hours, I found this apparently complex ecosystem growing on my chin, which thankfully could be scrubbed away:

And this seems to be a fungal infection on my face, according to a medical care provider:

Sorry I haven’t been able to post much. I’ve been dealing with extreme fatigue (another symptom of Morgellon’s) and inability to focus on the few days I have Internet access.  Another possible development is that the spirochetes can move into one’s heart, nervous system and brain.  Last summer, I took a 6-mile hike, climbing at least a 1,000 feet elevation, and felt fine.  Today, I can’t walk a mile without exhaustion.

I’ve also developed a tremor or palsy in my hands!  I’ve flicked myself in the face while falling asleep and tapped more unwanted items on my cell phone and witnessed my left hand trembling so bad I have to hold the phone against something steady to be able to use it – all symptoms of spirochetes moving beyond just the skin.

So when I have a hard time thinking and feel a fullness under my scalp I wonder if they’re passing the blood-brain barrier and invading my brain.

Sure wish the 2 doctors and 3 Naturopaths I’ve consulted would have taken this seriously.  One did, and she said she was scared of it and referred me to out-of-state doctors.  I appreciate her honesty.  The two doctors, I assume, are in the secret network, aligned against us targeted individuals.  The other Naturopaths might have been threatened, but couldn’t be as honest as the one.

Now I’m away from home and my health insurance plan just doesn’t work for nomads.  So I’ve been waiting for two months for one Naturopath to send me an order for blood work, but his office hasn’t sent it.

Some days I feel like I’m dying slowly, eaten alive by fungus and spirochetes, my skin looking horrible under the microscope, my heart feeling fainter by the day, my hands occasionally trembling, no energy to scrub myself as often as I should.

Other days, I just feel better, or if I really need to do things, I “dissociate” well enough to enjoy productive days and some lazy days and visiting with friends.  Here’s a photo to prove it:

I appreciate you caring.