Friday Random Beauty: Pregnant Preying Mantis waves at me ~

IMG_2018While I was sitting in the sunroom the other day, a very pregnant-looking preying mantis came to the window and tapped on it repeatedly – as if trying to get my attention – maybe to let her in.

From outside, you can see her swollen abdomen – babies for next season’s help in the garden?

I chose to let her stay outside, but enjoyed taking a few photos.

Cat, Peaches, enjoys the dappled-light of the sunroom too.

I also enjoyed making a few improvements to the narrow sunroom – only 3 1/2 feet wide, but functional as both a sitting space and a passive solar addition to the house!  I hung artwork, covered the tattered cushion with a forgotten piece of fabric, brought the basil in pots inside for the winter, blocked a distracting view with a screen I had stored, and splurged on a pretty carpet runner.

A late-season zinnia greets us near the front door. What brilliant and long-lasting color!

These simple pleasures also remind me (again) of something very important:  When I’m happiest, I write the least.  That means readers of this blog usually hear the worst and I need to remember to keep it in balance.

This “Friday Random Beauty” series will help me correct that.

“They” may occasionally use my mind (or one hologram of it) and body, but they do not touch my spirit.