“Friday Random Beauty”

Fridays at the Paradigm Salon will now bring a yin-yang of complementarity with Friday Random Beauty and Friday Foundation [of this MK Stuff].

To begin the Friday Random Beauty series, I’m offering this example of the type of art I try to create all around me.

bathroom artYears ago, a book came into my life, titled “Altars,” advocating an alter in every room of one’s house as well as various places outdoors.  Basically, anything can be an altar if it causes us to stop and reflect.  And the author’s point was that we could use reminders like this many times a day and in many locations.  I began creating altars and immediately found myself increasing the frequency of my mini-meditations or moments of mindfulness throughout the day – and the frequency of my healing events!  So I highly recommend this.

This “alter” is in the bathroom, so it’s made up of a couple of plants, each with crystals around their bases, lavender from a friend’s garden placed in a thrift-store pitcher, and a few things we use in the bathroom that I think are pretty:  oils in natural or ornate containers, my natural earth-pigment duster (blush) in its pottery jar, perfume in a carved-stone container, primitive-pottery earrings hung on the rim of a small hand-crafted pot, pottery water glass, wooden hand mirror, and my own framed, seven-sided-mandala art.  At the base of the tall cactus is a tiny bottle in which I place tiny fresh flowers from the garden – even “weeds” will be there sometimes.  (These bright fuscia flowers are the desert salvia gregorii from my front door.)  I also like how everything is reflected in the mirror.

I don’t need an art studio or any expensive materials!  I can play with these common things I already own any moment that the urge hits.  And this art can change any time I want to change it.

This sort of approach to art keeps me feeling that, despite all, life can be creative, beautiful, and thereby meaningful.  It lifts my spirits many times a day and puts me in the mood to look for beauty everywhere.

Other ways I create beauty can be found at my sister site, JeanEisenhower.com, which contains a collection of a variety of my artistic inclinations, including sketches, fabric art (from recycled materials), natural plaster sculpture (from recycled materials and dirt), garden design, and more!  Check it out!

Re:  Friday Foundation [of this Mind Control Stuff]

From teacherweb.com

From teacherweb.com

In a recent poll to help me set my focus of developing this less-fun, but important, series, readers gave the most votes to “Mind Control in History,” which will be the next post I publish shortly.

Stay tuned!  It’s provocative!

2 thoughts on ““Friday Random Beauty”

  1. Pingback: Second Sunday Summary: Surprising Spiritual Healing | The Paradigm Salon

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